
my new favorite website...

I received an e-mail message earlier from flickr reminding me that my pro account expires soon. I was curious on the cost, so I clicked the link. When the site opened, something else caught my eye: "Ooh! and if you upgrade today, you'll get 10 free MOO cards!" I was intrigued. What's a MOO card? So, again, I clicked.

Five minutes later, I was hooked. They offer fun products (StickerBooks, MiniCards and NoteCards) at reasonable prices, you can even customize a box of 100 MiniCards, and have a different photo on each if you'd like! Or, if you prefer, you can use their awesome designs, including COLOURLovers schemes...another site I love which I forgot to mention in my previous post.

So, if you're looking to kill a little bit of time, check out their site: www.moo.com

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